Easy search for routes to your home.
With just one tap on the icon, you can search for routes to your home, last train, taxi fare, and more.
By setting the time to go back home, you will not miss the last train by the notification function.
Go Home Navi

Go Home
Open the map app and display the route search screen to your home. When quick mode is enabled, you can open the route search screen just by starting the app.
[Supported Apps] Maps, Google Maps
[Supported Site] Yahoo! Transit*

Check the last train
Check the last train on the route search site. If you register your home, you can search for the last train from your current location to your home with one tap.
[Supported Site] Yahoo! Transit*

Check taxi fare
Check taxi fare on the navigation site. You can easily check the price when you miss the last train and go to your home by taxi.
[Supported Site] ITS-MO NAVI*

Search an inn
Search an inn near your current location on the travel site. If you can't go back home, look for a nearby inn.
[Support Site] Booking.com, Yahoo! Travel*, Rakuten Travel*

Show map
Open the map app and display a map around your current location. When there is no way to go bachome, look for nearby shops and wait for the morning to come.
[Supported Apps] Maps, Google Maps

If you set the time to go back home, you will be notified on the notification screen at the set time. When quick mode is enabled, you can open the map app and open the route search screen to your home just by tapping the notification.
*Only available in Japanese